Monday, June 1, 2015

Ready Squares by Pretty in Green

You know how I just said I don't like how iscrapbook doesn't have pocket templates? Well, I found a cure for what ailed me! [url=]Ready Squares[/url] by Pretty in Green scraps! These little beauties are a png frame which you can drag right from finder onto your layout.

Center it, then add square shapes and size slightly bigger than the openings of the frames. What I like to do is size my first shape:

use the drop down menu under the shape to change it to an image placeholder, then just copy and paste the square to move it to other places/resize as needed!

I move them around and resize to fit the openings in the frame, drop my pics in, and when I'm done I move my ready square layer to the front! It hides all unaligned imperfections and BINGO! A perfect pocket layout!

Here's a few examples:

Here I used the bundle Make the Grade by Blue Heart Scraps.

This layout was created using Pocket Life for the Boys by Traci Reed.
And this layout was created using Boom and Sparkle kit and cards by Pretty in Green. 

All these layouts used Ready Squares! Fun and fast! I may actually get books made this year!


  1. So happy to find this! Yeah! Gonna make life so much easier. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you so much!! I have a bunch of pocket templates that I love and this makes it easier than trying to do it myself!!
